Miss Donna's School of Dancing
General Information
When you are ready to take your dance skills to the next level, you will be interested in one of our competition dance teams. Each team has the opportunity to dance in one or more genres and will compete in four regional competitions in the spring. You will also compete in a national level competition that is normally scheduled in July. Please contact us for more information.
2024-2025 Competition Schedule
Competition Auditions August 5th-23rd
General Competition Information for Regionals and Nationals
You should arrive at competitions with your make up on and your hair fixed properly. Please see our make up color list. We are striving for an overall look, and properly applied makeup can make the difference. If you do not want to travel with your makeup on, plan to come earlier than the scheduled time to arrive. In other words, be ready to dance at the “arrival” time. You can change into your costume when you arrive. Remember… you will likely be changing in large community dressing rooms. Put your name on everything!
Be On Time! Competitions can run early; they can call us 45 minutes prior to the scheduled time. You are to arrive one hour before your time to dance. This is important, as we need this time to group the students, line them up, and get them backstage. You must be dressed, with makeup on, and ready to dance, one hour before your scheduled time to perform.
Backstage helpers will be responsible for ensuring that each group is lined up properly, and is ready to perform. They will NOT be responsible for fixing hair, or for applying makeup and eyelashes. No parents backstage please! It simply gets too crowded.
Please be aware (parents and students) that we are being judged on and off the dance floor… in dressing rooms, restaurants, and in the audience. Be courteous to other participants, be a good competitor, a good winner… and if need be a gracious loser. In general, please act at all times in a manner of which we can all be proud.
All competitors appreciate applause during a routine, but we ask parents and students to act in a tasteful manner. Applause at a certain time in a routine can be a big energy boost to a group, but do not scream out a specific student’s name or “over react,” especially if you are sitting directly behind the judges.
All students will be asked to wear their competition jackets and pants for the awards ceremony. This means Petite through Protege.
There is no admission charge for friends and family. Come one, come all! Dress comfortably, it may be a long day.
There is to be no jewelry (no earrings, unless provided with the costume) and no fingernail or toenail polish. Costumes should be neat, clean, and pressed.
Parents of younger children… Please be sure their lipstick is on before they perform. (This means older children too!)
Videotaping and movie cameras are strictly prohibited. This is for the protection of choreography and costuming. Please pass this information along to any relatives and friends who will be attending.
No Camera of any kind (still photography) allowed in the auditorium for most competitions. We will let you know prior to each Regional if cameras are or are not allowed.
Before you travel to any competition, please check to be sure you have all of your costume pieces… gloves, shoes, hats, etc. We have very few extra pieces. If you do not have your complete costume, you will not be permitted to perform in the competition.
You are more than welcome to arrive before your scheduled time to support our other competition entries.
Please be courteous to all other people in the competition. DO NOT change clothes in the restrooms. You may see other dancers doing this, but I do not want to see any Miss Donna’s students doing so.
All students must make an extra effort to attend competition classes the week after (and of course the week before) competitions. We have found that our class attendance the week after a competition is generally poor, particularly on Mondays. This less is very important, as we will usually make some changes in choreography. We cannot do this unless every student attends class. Contrary to popular opinion, the work is not done once we have attended our first competition. In many respects, it has just begun. We continually make changes and corrections to better our routines. It is most important that you attend every class.
The week before every competition, a group captain will be chosen for each routine. At the awards ceremony, the captain will go to the table to receive the awards for the group members. She will then distribute the awards to the other members of the group. Any leftovers should be returned to the studio. The captain will also receive the group trophy. She may take the trophy home with her but will return it to the studio the following week. We will save all the trophies, and will have a trophy “give away” at the end of the season. For our younger beginner groups, the captain’s parent will be asked to go on stage at the awards ceremony to “help” distribute.
Thank you ahead of time for your patience during our all day dress rehearsal. Good luck to you all.